Engineering New Zealand Chief Executive Dr Richard Templer welcomes a new report from the Helen Clark Foundation and WSP that recommends a shared vision and bipartisan support for infrastructure projects.

Bridging the Infrastructure Gap – Funding and financing for a resilient Aotearoa New Zealand was launched on Wednesday night, with both National and Labour talking about being open to a bipartisan approach to long term infrastructure.

“I’m really encouraged by what I’ve heard from both major parties regarding a bipartisan approach,” says Templer.

“A shared vision for infrastructure investment and a clear commitment to projects will serve Kiwis far better,” he says.

Templer says engineers have a core role in helping deliver a resilient New Zealand and that a shared vision for infrastructure investment will help the country access and use those skills.

“New Zealand is currently facing a shortfall of about 2,500 new engineers every year and uncertainty around major projects may be contributing to a deepening skills shortage, with engineers leaving overseas,” he says.

“We need to be growing our pool of skills and Engineering New Zealand is keen to support a solution. Just today we met with Minister Stanford about how we can help ensure our education system is configured to deliver the skills we need in engineering and other STEM subjects,” he says.

Templer thinks there’s never been a better time for a shared vision for infrastructure. “We need to build for our future. Commitment to a shared vision for infrastructure is a ‘win-win’ that would really allow our country to increase our productivity and resilience,” he says.

Note to reporters

  • Engineering New Zealand is New Zealand's professional body for engineers, with some 22,000 members. We represent – and regulate – our members. We also act as the Registration Authority for Chartered Professional Engineers.
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  • For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Lachlan McKenzie on 021 479 885.