The Government has approved dam safety regulations for the safe management of dams after construction, to reduce potential impacts to people, property, and the environment. The regulations commence in 2024.

Under the regulations, engineers will be registered to audit and certify potential impact classifications (PIC) and/or dam safety assurance programmes (DSAP). All Recognised Engineers must be Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng).

Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau, as the Registration Authority for Chartered Professional Engineers, is responsible for assessing and registering Recognised Engineers. Together with the New Zealand Society on Large Dams (NZSOLD), and supported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), we have developed the framework for the required Recognised Engineer qualifications and competencies to be assessed.

How to apply to be assessed and registered as a Recognised Engineer

Applications to be assessed and registered as a Recognised Engineer will be conducted through the current system in place for applying to become a Chartered Professional Engineer. This is shown on the How to Apply section of the Chartered Professional Engineer webpage.

Specific guidance for applicants to be assessed as Recognised Engineers is provided in the Recognised Engineer (Dam Safety) Guide to Assessments. Background information for applicants and practice area assessors is provided in the Recognised Engineer Competency Framework (Dam Safety) Knowledge Base. Applicants are expected to be conversant in both documents.

Recognised Engineer (Dam Safety) – Assessment process webinar

Recognised Engineer (Dam Safety) – Roles and responsibilities webinar

Recognised Engineer (Dam Safety) – Experiences in Assessment

Recognised Engineer (Dam Safety) – Experiences in Assessment webinar slides   |  801.4 KB

How to find a Recognised Engineer

The register for Recognised Engineers is contained in the online database for engineers on the Engineering New Zealand website. Users should search for keywords (such as ‘recognised engineer’, ‘potential impact classification’, and/or ‘dam safety assurance programme’) when searching the database. Users can also search for a Recognised Engineer by name. The register will show each Recognised Engineer’s registration number, full name, category of registration and Chartered Professional Engineer status.

The online register is complemented by a list of current Recognised Engineers. This list provides location and contact details for current Recognised Engineers and will be updated monthly.

Current Recognised Engineers List   |  113.0 KB

Further Information

Engineering New Zealand sought legal advice regarding the potential liability of Recognised Engineers (Dam Safety) following discussions with dam safety engineers about the new regulations. A summary of the advice received can be found here.

Engineering New Zealand has prepared supplementary information to complement these considerations following questions raised during the NZSOLD Symposium in November 2023. The supplementary information can be found here.

Engineering New Zealand has also developed guidance on potential conflicts of interest for Recognised Engineers (Dam safety). This guidance can be found here.

View MBIE's infographic for the timeline and actions required of dam owners, engineers, and regional authorities or get in touch about the Recognised Engineer framework.