The EtC Role Responsibility Guidelines Template and explanatory note are designed to assist Principals (clients) with the successful appointment of an Engineer to the Contract (EtC).
As part of defining the specific roles and responsibilities the principal wishes the EtC to undertake, the guideline provides a wider view of the roles and responsibilities of other key parties to a project’s management structure.
This allocation of roles and responsibilities, with the addition of any roles and responsibilities specific to your project, will increase the likelihood of an effective management team.
The EtC Role Responsibility Guidelines Template 06-23 is an editable Excel spreadsheet, with drop-down selections that you can use to customise the document to your needs.
The EtC Role Responsibility Guidelines Explanatory Note 06-23 explains the template.
The two sections of the template are also available as downloadable, non-customisable A3 PDFs:
EtC Role Responsibilities Guidelines Pre-Contract 06-23
EtC Role Responsibilities Guidelines Contract Admin 06-23
The documents were originated by Craig Byers, and developed with the assistance of Lawrie Saegers, Kerry Newell and the EtC Panel.
Note the publication of these documents coincide with the May-June 2023 public consultation process for DZ 3910, the draft revision of the NZS 3910:2013 standard. In DZ 3910, the terms “Engineer to Contract” and “Engineer’s Representative” are replaced by “Independent Certifier” and “Contract Administrator” respectively. Note the roles and responsibilities proposed for these two new positions do not exactly match those of the EtC and Engineer’s Representative. Once the draft DZ3910 is finalised, these documents will be updated accordingly.