Transport is accountable approximately 20 percent of Aotearoa’s emissions. How can we think about and do transportation differently to reduce our emissions and make our communities more connected and resilient?

Climate change and transport

This paper gives practical guidance to transport professionals on how they should incorporate consideration of climate change into their work. It should be seen as a statement of principles and objectives and does not replace or supersede engineers’ obligations under other engineering guidelines and standards.

Read Transport Australia Society and Engineers Australia’s Discussion Paper on Climate change and transport

Green Travel and Climate Change: An Introduction to Low Carbon Road Transport

Find out the impact of road transport on carbon emissions and climate change, and how low carbon transport technologies can help. This course provides an explanation of key low emission road transport options, as well as an overview of the trends, policies and innovations in the industry.

Join Cenex’s course Green Travel and Climate Change: An Introduction to Low Carbon Road Transport

Adapting Transportation Infrastructure to Climate Change

An official Government website, this website from British Columbia, introduces the challenge of ensuring transportation infrastructure is resilient and adapted to the effects of climate change including extreme weather events. The website includes several guidelines and other useful resources. 

Read British Columbia’s website page on Adapting Transportation Infrastructure to Climate Change

Climate impacts on transportation

Although this article is focused on statistics and examples from the United States, it provides a useful introduction to the ways that climate change will impact the transport system, including land-based, air and marine transportation. 

Read the United States Environmental Protection Agency article Climate impacts on transportation