A revised version of section C5 of the Seismic Assessment Guidelines has gone live.

The revised version has been released by the Guidelines partners, who are MBIE, the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, the Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand and the New Zealand Geotechnical Society, with support from Engineering New Zealand. You can view the revised version at www.EQ-Assess.org.nz. Concrete New Zealand Learned Society also contributed to the revision. 

The revised version tells engineers how to best assess buildings with pre-cast concrete flooring, given what we now know about the issues with these buildings. It represents the latest technical information available to engineers. 

Engineers should use the revised version when carrying out assessments, with one exception. The only time they should use the existing July 2017 version is when they are assessing specifically whether a building is earthquake-prone under the legislation. In this situation, the owner of the building will have a letter from the territorial authority advising that the building is potentially earthquake prone. 

More information on how and when the revised section should be used, and the nature of the changes, is available at www.EQ-Assess.org.nz

A programme is being established to allow consultants to provide feedback on the revised version. Engineering New Zealand will work closely with NZSEE and SESOC to gather evidence for MBIE.

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Guidance for engineers on how to use the revised C5   |  201.4 KB