Engineering New Zealand is supporting CROSS-AUS, which is a confidential reporting scheme that captures and shares lessons learned from structural safety incidents, to help prevent future failures.

CROSS-AUS allows you to confidentially share structural safety issues or matters of concern so that others can learn from them. It doesn’t replace obligations under the Code of Ethical Conduct to resolve issues or report them to a regulator: it’s not a whistleblowing scheme but instead a new way engineers can analyse and learn from mistakes and near misses

CROSS-AUS published submitted reports, along with expert commentary, on its website. Anyone can sign up to receive CROSS-AUS newsletters.

CROSS has been operating successfully in the UK since 2005. It’s modelled on the long-established American Aviation System Reporting System (ASRS) developed by NASA in 1976. CROSS-AUS was established in Australia in 2018 and has expanded across the Tasman this year with Engineering New Zealand and SESOC becoming CROSS-AUS supporters, which means we promote the system to our members.

Being confidential means CROSS-AUS can publish lessons that wouldn’t otherwise be shared. And as well as submitting reports confidentially, you can confidentially submit feedback on any reports that are published.

Find out more, report an issue and sign up to receive newsletters.