MBIE has opened its Building Code update 2021 consultation, which includes proposed changes to standards processes. This year, MBIE’s update work is focused on the energy efficiency of small buildings, housing, large buildings, and commercial buildings.

The update is also looking to change natural light requirements, and requirements for testing weathertightness for higher-density housing. Through the update, MBIE’s goal is to support the construction of medium and higher density housing, reduce carbon emissions in the sector, and improve the ability of buildings to withstand the future effects of climate change.

Building Code operating protocols – referencing standards and the introduction of a tier framework

In addition to the above proposed changes to the Code, this year MBIE is also asking for feedback on the introduction of two new “operating protocols”. These protocols seek to provide clarity on MBIE’s management of the standards referenced in the Building Code.

The first protocol is entitled “Referencing standards in the Building Code system” and intends to provide guidance on the use of standards and the criteria for referencing a standard.

The second protocol is entitled “Tier framework to support standards in the Building Code system” and proposes to introduce a framework for MBIE’s maintenance and updates of existing standards.

Submissions on the update close 28 May. We'll provide a submission to MBIE and would value your input. Please contact Jodi Caughley if you would like to be involved.

Contact Jodi Caughley