A lot has changed since we committed to strengthening the CPEng system in 2020. The CPEng Review was initiated to address risk, uphold international recognition, and support the self-regulation of our profession – and we’ve made excellent progress towards those goals.

A key change has been the creation of the Chartered Professional Engineers Board, which has taken over the governance of CPEng from the Governing Board of Engineering New Zealand.

This took effect from 1 January 2022, marking a new beginning for CPEng and allowing the Registration Authority to focus on fulfilling its statutory obligations and upholding CPEng’s reputation as a protected title. It also eliminated any perception of a conflict of interest between Engineering New Zealand’s role as a regulator and membership organisation.

Many other significant changes have been made, including the development of better processes, greater transparency, and support for all involved in the CPEng system. These changes are all aimed at ensuring the CPEng system appropriately assesses the technical competence and professionalism of Chartered Professional Engineers and holds them to account, where required.

The CPEng Board will continue to fulfil its role under the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002 and the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Rules (02) 2002. Any future developments will also align to the intent of MBIE’s Proposal for Occupational Regulation (2021).

All projects that were started as part of the CPEng review have now been completed. However, continuing to identify and take advantage of further opportunities for improvement will remain a core goal moving forward.

Further details about some of the key improvements made to the CPEng system over the last few years can be found below.


Registration Authority functions are governed by the Chartered Professional Engineers Board, as per the Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002.

The CPEng Board comprises seven members at a time, and terms are phased for continuity. The following have been appointed to the CPEng Board for terms from 1 January 2022.

  • Paul Campbell (CPEng) – two years
  • Stewart Gutsell (CPEng) – two years
  • Avik Halder (Standards and Assessment Board representative)
  • Matt Harris (Competency Assessment Board representative)
  • Keryn Kliskey (CPEng) – one year
  • Mel Orange (lawyer) – one year
  • Debbie Scott (CPEng) – three years

Improvements to assessments and reassessments

The full CPEng assessment and reassessment process is substantial. To make it more manageable, this work has been separated into four component parts relating to operational procedures:

  1. Credential checks.
  2. Knowledge assessments.
  3. Assessments.
  4. Reassessments.

New operating manuals for these processes have been developed and implemented.

Credential checks

New operating procedures for checking credentials have been fully implemented. Our credential check process is now streamlined and has been strengthened to ensure that all credentials submitted have been independently verified. This has improved our ability to ensure recognised and valid documents are used for immigration and CPEng registration pathways.

Knowledge assessments

New operating procedures for knowledge assessments have been fully implemented. All knowledge assessments are now processed through Engineering New Zealand’s online portal. Applicants needing a knowledge assessment for immigration can now pay an additional fee if they need their application fast-tracked.

CPEng assessments

Revised operational procedures require decisions about the Bodies of Knowledge and Skill (BOKS) to be included. We have established a working group to develop a template and guidance for the development of BOKS, and to develop an updated competency framework for the engineering profession.


Since November 2022, we have doubled the numbers of reassessments we are able to process per month and have successfully worked through our backlog of over 400 reassessments.

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