An engineer can help bring your story to life by providing technical insight, or helping people understand an issue and what it means for them.

Engineers are problem solvers. Although it can be tempting to first think of our built environment and infrastructure, engineering touches everything – from the clothes we wear to the water we drink, to medical treatments and microchips. ‘Engineering’ is the discipline of design and creation of solutions for our physical and virtual worlds at the intersection of science, technology, and mathematics.

An engineer can help provide context to the issues examined in your story. In the example of a landslide that may have impacted a community, this could be specific, like “What are the options for fixing this slip?” or broader, such as “How can we design for resilience from future landslides?”

We are often approached for expert commentary on a range of issues. Examples include: 

  • built environment and infrastructure
  • seismic concerns and %NBS
  • managing natural disasters including slips, floods, and storms
  • risk, resilience and climate change
  • water – stormwater, waste water and drinking water
  • system design, for example fire systems and electrical systems
  • energy – supply, demand and transmission
  • transport

And here are some examples of engineering sub disciplines:

  • biomedical engineering
  • chemical and materials engineering
  • civil engineering
  • computer systems engineering
  • electrical and electronic engineering
  • engineering science
  • mechanical engineering
  • mechatronics engineering
  • software engineering
  • structural engineering

Get in touch

Want to talk to an engineer for your story? Phone us on 021 479 885 or email

Engineering New Zealand can provide you with spokespeople from our technical and special interest groups. Find out more about some of our spokespeople below.

We’d love to hear from you.